Richard Weiss, Prof. PhD

Associate Professor at the Department of Molecular Biology

University of Salzburg, Austria

Richard Weiss

Prof. Richard Weiss has been a long-standing member of the “Gene Vaccines” workgroup at the Department of Molecular Biology at the University of Salzburg and has been working on the generation of novel types of vaccines for more than 15 years. After initially developing protective DNA vaccines in collaboration with Baxter (Vienna, Austria), the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNI, Hamburg, Germany), and the Walter Reed Army Institute (WRAIR, Washington, USA) against infectious diseases such as borreliosis and malaria.

Prof. Weiss has subsequently focused on prophylactic and therapeutic approaches for allergic diseases. He has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Allergy Diagnosis and Therapy at the University of Salzburg where he established himself as an independent scientist. In recent years, he focused on skin based vaccination and its applicability for specific immunotherapy and generation of DC targeting nanoparticles for cutaneous vaccination.

Since 2012 he holds a permanent position as Associate Professor at the Department of Molecular Biology.